February 2017

Rwandan medical student, Nicole, team leader, has worked with IOWD on six missions.  As the team leader, she supervisors all the medical students on her team at Kibagabaga Hospital.  Medical students have worked with IOWD teams since we have been in Rwanda. They translate for our teams and the patients; they take all the medical histories of the patients; they offer tremendous comfort to the patients before, during and after surgery; they observe surgeries, they attend daily medical presentations given by our doctors. We are privileged to have such dedicated young students assisting us on every mission!

 This mission included Doctors. Star Hampton, Saifuddin Mama,  Rob Gutman, Peter Jeppson, Blair   Washington,  Dave McDermott,  David Fish, Lauren Welsh, Linda Mihalov, Shree Chanchani,  Renata Scott-Ram, Jess Salak, Jennifer Thompson, Annetta Madsen,  Pakeeza Alam,  Rick VanPelt,  Elizabeth Clark, and Heather Riese.

 The Nursing team was comprised of Nurse Practitioner, Leah Moynihan; Anesthesia Nurses Janet Dewan, Julianna VanPelt, and Susan Hall; Nurses Lenora Kroll, Eileen Clarke and surgical technician  Emma Jasabe.

 Dr. Robin Mama, IOWD Executive Board member, and Mark Ludak, Photographer and Educator at Monmouth University and Sarah Deitch, Volunteer, completed our February team.

October 2016

Besides equipment, supplies and medicines, IOWD teams also bring gifts of clothing for our pediatric and adult patients.  Participating in this mission were Doctors Joan Blomquist, Sharon Knight, David Glazier, Grace Chen, Abner Korn, Bethan Powell, Meghana Gowda, Josh Holden, Jim Greenberg, Scott Eder, Alicia Scribner, Jennifer Hallock, Michael Yaker, Julie Long, Aditya Dash, Tanmay Panigrahi, Stephanie Kielb, Savannah Moon and Bhumy Dave.

Our Nursing teams were made up of Anesthesia Nurses, Professor Janet Dewan, Sheila Murphy and Nicole Decker-Faria; Nurse Melanie Haller, Michelle Hassani, Danielle Lock and La Tasha Burns.  Mid-wife Edie McConaughey completed our medical team.