Joining us in Niger were Drs. Karolynn Echols, Ralph Chesson, Lise Rehwaldt, Rob Gutman, Briana Robinson-Walton, Sharon Knight, Roberta Blandon, Okey Ibaneu, Lesley Meister, Raymond Chung and Janifer Tropez-Martin. Registered Nurse, Kathleen Scott joined us again for her 3rd trip to Niger. Mark Roberts returned for a 2nd trip…and is presently enrolled in a surgical tech program so that he can officially assist his wife, Dr. Lise Rehwaldt, in the operating rooms in Niger.
Day after day, the temperature would climb to 120 degrees…in Dr. Chesson’s Operating Room; the air conditioner barely cooled the was often 95 degrees. But nothing stopped the doctors and nurses. They examined close to 120 women and operated on 53 patients. The Courtyard was filled with women from as far as Maradi and Diffa (in the eastern part of the country). Once again, the Nigerien Government had brought so many fistula women in to the National Hospital from great distances.
Dr. Roberta Blandon:
“Caring for the fistula women of Niger was a fulfilling and life changing experience. I feel as if something inside of me was dormant, and now has been brought back to life and it is more awake than ever…..That mission of “serving others” that inspired me to become a physician has found a home…..”
Dr. Sharon Knight:
“Thank you for letting me sign on with IOWD and join the April mission. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Thoughts of our trip, the work and the people cross my mind everyday.”